February 8, 2022

#LarkinSleevesUp Blood Drive

February 1 through May 1, 2022

Historically, The Larkin Company has partnered with the American Red Cross to hold semi-annual blood drives onsite at our Roseville location.  The pandemic has prevented us from giving back in this way.  However, the American Red Cross is currently facing a national blood crisis.  It’s the worst blood shortage in over a decade.  Every two seconds someone in America needs blood, from trauma victims to cancer patients, mothers giving birth to premature babies and so many more.  Sadly, doctors have been forced to make difficult decisions about who receives blood transfusions and who needs to wait.  We need to help!

We are partnering with the American Red Cross to hold the #LarkinSleevesUp virtual blood drive from February 1 through May 1, 2022.  Each pint of blood collected can help save up to three lives and will touch the lives of so many more.

If you would like to join us in showing our community and the patients in need of blood just how much we can do, we would be grateful to have you pledge to be a donor.  You can make your pledge at https://sleevesup.redcrossblood.org/campaign/the-larkin-company-2/.  By pledging to be a blood donor, we will combine our strengths around a worthwhile and lifesaving cause.  We will do a lot of good and have a lot of impact.

Be a hero – no cape required – from anywhere in the country.  Just roll up a sleeve and help save lives by giving blood!

donate now

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