As an HR professional, you know that employee experience is more important than ever and is becoming one of the defining characteristics of why people choose to work for an organization. In fact, Forbes Advisor states that “47% of HR leaders report employee experience as a priority for 2023”. That’s why, at Larkin, a core tenant of our service is to use our deep expertise and visibility across the leave and benefits landscape to inform our clients of key trends and meaningful changes – continuously collecting and sharing insights you need to deliver a generous and competitive employee experience you’re proud of.
We recognize that acquiring and retaining top talent is paramount for your business. Larkin is committed to assisting clients in crafting a distinctive leave and benefits experience. By partnering with us, your company can elevate the employee experience and secure a significant competitive edge.
Benchmarking Reports
Benchmarking reports allow you to stay on top of key trends and best practices within the HR space. In this report, Larkin consolidates policy data from over 150 companies across various industries to share best practices across prenatal, pregnancy, medical, and family care needs. Benchmarking reports allow you to make more informed decisions about your own forward-looking policies.
Our benchmarking report is designed to help our clients put their best foot forward when attracting and retaining talent. We have been collecting and sharing these insights for the past eight years and will continue to do so to give our clients what they need to deliver a competitive employee experience they can be proud of.
— President & CEO Jack Larkin
Larkin’s Eldercare Services
Larkin’s eldercare services put you at the forefront of the leave and benefits arena. Though a relatively recent addition to benefit offerings, its significance is undeniable. According to AARP, “32% of employees have left a job to take care of an older family member with daily living needs. And almost 25% of workers have quit work to take care of an ill or disabled spouse, partner or extended family member.”
Larkin has partnered with Ways and Wane to offer clients and their employees this invaluable service. It complements our family leave benefits, allowing employees to access eldercare support without needing time off. Such eldercare services assist employees before, during, or after a leave of absence.
Family Care Concierge
As with eldercare, our family care concierge services emphasize your dedication to assisting employees in their crucial family roles. This service allows your employees to support their children and other family members who depend on them for care. By partnering with Larkin, your employees can better address their care responsibilities while remaining engaged and focused at work.

Digital Care Advisors provide your employees with essential resources for childcare/daycare and eldercare, as well as guidance on financial aid through corporate, state, or federal tax credits and programs.
Personal Care Advisors offer your employees the opportunity to work with master’s-level professionals, receiving coaching and resources tailored to address their care requirements. This includes backup care, kids’ camps, afterschool programs, emotional support, and beyond.
Ongoing Education and Support
In addition to key insights/trends and forward-looking benefit services, our highly experienced Compliance Team (over 50 years of combined experience) helps to ensure that you’re always up to date and educated on state and federal news. To keep you informed, we deliver essential updates through our webinars and regular compliance newsletters, covering key trends, pressing issues, and the latest legislative changes. Furthermore, our online Compliance Center offers a wealth of crucial information and resources at your fingertips.
- News Feed: Stay informed with timely updates throughout the year.
- Leave Highlights: Familiarize yourself with recent and upcoming legislative changes as they are announced.
- Interactive Map: Delve into state-specific laws, schemes, and employer obligations.
- Leave Summary Tables: Easily navigate tables detailing state/federal regulations, employer notifications, contributions, registrations, and more.
- Compliance Checklist: Monitor both scheduled and spontaneous annual employer action items.
And, of course, our personal touch remains paramount. Your dedicated account manager is readily accessible via email or phone to provide answers and insights as needed. Beyond this, our Account Management Team also conducts formal and informal check-ins through emails, calls, and annual in-person or virtual visits. These sessions present your leave and disability management report, facilitating deeper understanding, assessment, and future planning.
Did you know?
Forbes Advisor found that “40% of employers say they believe workers leave their job to find employment that offers better benefits…and 1 in 10 workers would take a pay cut to have access to better benefits…”. In a time when employee experience is a powerful force in attracting and retaining top talent, Larkin equips you with the necessary tools and insights to differentiate from your competitors.
Partner with Larkin and elevate your workforce’s experience, giving you the competitive edge to draw in and hold onto the industry’s best talent.