A new addition to our information initiative as it relates to COVID-19 has been posted to our website. We have created a comprehensive set of FAQs for you to reference. We have addressed some general FAQs as well as more specific ones regarding the Emergency Family...
As part of our initiative to keep you as updated as possible, we will be posting a comprehensive list of state and local COVID-19 updates and stay-at-home orders. You can access both using the links below. We will be posting updated lists every Friday. Stay Home...
The Larkin Company’s Canada team has been working hard on keeping up to date with the constantly-changing Canada COVID-19 updates. Click the link below to review Canada’s COVID-19 Leaves of Absence and Income Replacement Benefits updates as of April 10,...
Does anyone really know how long they’ve been sheltering-in-place and working from home at this point? It feels like forever! The Larkin Company has been working from home for 4 weeks now and while it’s been an adjustment, we are happy to report that it’s been smooth...
Department of Labor (DOL) The DOL has released even more FAQs (see #60-79) regarding the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA). Some pertinent information: A local quarantine or isolation order includes shelter-in-place or stay-at-home orders.Employees are...
The Larkin Company’s Canada team has been working hard on keeping up to date with the constantly-changing Canada COVID-19 updates. Click the link below to review Canada’s COVID-19 Leaves of Absence and Income Replacement Benefits updates as of April 3,...