New York
Last Updated: 10/02/2024

New York Paid Family Leave (PFL) benefits
What is the Update?
New York Paid Family Leave (PFL) benefits
Update (09/04/24): The DFS has announced the 2025 premium contribution rate for Paid Family Leave benefits. The contribution rate effective January 1, 2025 will increase to 0.388% from 0.373%, while the maximum contribution per employee will subsequently increase to $354.53 from $333.25.
Update (09/16/24, Effective 01/01/25): The NY state average weekly wage has been updated to $1,757.19 in 2025 resulting in a taxable wage ceiling of $91,373.88. Additionally, the maximum weekly benefit amount for employees will increase to $1,177 from $1,151.16.
Update (10/02/24, Effective 01/01/25): An updated version of the NY PFL Statement of Rights (PFL-271S) has been released. The Statement of Rights forms should be provided to New York employees requesting leave for a qualifying DBL or PFL reason. If you are our client, the Larkin Company will provide this form to your employees when they request leave. See “Notice Requirements” below for the link and additional details.
Handbook/Policy Updates
Notice Requirements
Additionally, employers must continue to post a notice of compliance PFL-120 form conspicuously in your place(s) of business.
Note: if you are a self-insured NY DBL and PFL employer, and we directly administrator your New York self-insured plan benefits, we will provide you with the form.
Larkin Action
The Larkin Company will consider any law changes carefully, and update our internal resources and processes, as well as our employee leave information packets, if necessary.
Further Company Considerations
Please be sure to adjust your contributions in line with the updates, effective 2025. Additionally, ensure you are offsetting any salary continuation/company top-up pay aligned with the new benefit rate maximum, where applicable. The Larkin Company will adjust offsets for any top-up (leave of absence pay) calculations, accordingly, if we handle these services for you.*
*Claims that start in 2024 will be awarded 2024 benefit rates. Claims that begin on or after January 1, 2025 will be eligible for the new maximum benefit rate. Employees may be eligible for the increased maximum benefit rate if they experience a new qualifying event, or if more than three months have passed since the last day of leave from their original PFL claim
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