
Below you will find any recent or upcoming changes to the family and medical leave and/or leave income replacement benefit law(s) within this state.

Last Updated: 01/16/2025

Oregon Family and Medical Leave Programs

What is the Update?

Paid Leave Oregon (PLO)

Update (07/03/24): Paid Leave Oregon announced the new maximum weekly benefit amounts for Paid Leave for 2024-2025. Beginning July 7, 2024 through June 30, 2025, the maximum weekly benefit amount an employee can receive will increase from $1,523.63 to $1,568.60. This update will only affect claims with a benefit year that begins on July 7, 2024 or after, so any claims with a benefit year beginning prior to that date will be unaffected.

Update (01/16/25): With the changes from SB 1515 that came into effect as of January 1, 2025, the state has adopted rules to provide clarifying changes and better align its PLO program:

  • Oregon allowed employers up to 10 calendar days to provide any additional information or corrections about an employee’s claim once they have applied for PLO benefits – this has now been reduced to 5 calendar days.
  • Documentation for the verification of an employee’s serious health condition (e.g., certification issued by a qualified health care provider) must now include the employee/claimant’s date of birth, and the serious health condition must be verified by diagnosis or a description of symptoms and treatment.
  • Pre-placement leave has been defined as leave taken before the actual adoption or foster placement of a child, and must be taken intermittently in increments equivalent to one work day or one work week. Reasons for this type of leave include: attending counseling sessions; appearing in court; consulting with an attorney; submitting to a physical examination or home study; travel to another state or country to complete an adoption; or performing other actions the department has determined necessary for completing the legal process of an adoption or foster placement.
  • Verification for pre-placement leave requires an employee to provide one of the following documents dated no earlier than 180 days before the start of leave: court order, letter signed by the employee’s representing attorney; document from the relevant foster care agency, adoption agency, or social worker; document for the child issued by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services; or another approved document.

Handbook/Policy Updates


Notice Requirements

The PLO model notice must be displayed in the workplace (and provided via email or mail to Oregon employees who work remotely). Thereafter, it must be provided to new hires and those assigned to work remotely in Oregon, who were not already informed of the law at the time of hire (such as employees who relocate from another state to work remotely in Oregon). Click here to view the model notice.

Larkin Action

The Larkin Company will consider any law changes carefully, and update our internal resources and processes, as well as our employee leave information packets, if necessary.

Further Company Considerations

Please ensure as a company you are offsetting any salary continuation/company top-up pay aligned with the updated weekly benefit rate maximum, effective 07/07/24. Note: claims that begin on or after July 7, 2024 are eligible for the new benefit rate. The Larkin Company will adjust offsets for any top-up (leave of absence pay) calculations or STD, accordingly, if we handle these services for you.

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The Larkin Company has taken reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy of the information on this page, however we make no representation or warranty of any kind as to its accuracy or completeness. These resources should not be construed or substituted for legal advice. Accordingly, before taking any actions based upon such information provided herein, we encourage you to seek competent legal advice from a licensed attorney or appropriate professionals.