May 10, 2023

Webinar Reminder and U.S. Updates

Webinar: Building a Benefit Business Case

Friday, May 12
11-11:30AM PST

How do you convince your internal constituents of the value of childcare and eldercare benefits? Tune in as one HR leader, Darlene Burgess of Franklin Street, walks us step-by-step through the presentation she gave, which was approved.

Christhannah Luten of The Larkin Company will then weigh in on how care benefits fit into their wellbeing strategy. You’ll walk away with a presentation template and tips on how to convert your wish list for childcare and eldercare benefits into a compelling business case.


Federal Updates

Department of Labor (DOL) – Wage and Hour Division

The DOL has updated the required poster for the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) that covered employers must display for employees. The format of the poster is the main change and prior versions (April 2016 and February 2013) of the poster still fulfill the poster’s requirement. You can find the updated version here.

Department of Labor (DOL) – Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP)

The ODEP has released the latest rendition of an ongoing study conducted by the Job Accommodation Network (JAN) relating to the costs and benefits of providing accommodations to employees. Over 3,500 employers were surveyed, and the results show that nearly 50% of accommodations cost nothing. Further insight pertains to why accommodations are provided as well as their effectiveness. You can read more here.

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

The EEOC is in the process of updating its “Know Your Rights” poster to address the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act which is effective as of June 27, 2023. We’ll keep a lookout for it and will share once it’s available.

State Updates


The grace period for registering your business, filing wage reports, and paying premiums for Q1 for the Family and Medical Leave Insurance (FAMLI) program is fast approaching. The grace period ends on May 31, 2023. The Department of Labor and Employment’s FAMLI website has a plethora of resources available if you need any assistance.


The next increase to the weekly benefit for Connecticut’s Paid Leave program occurs on June 1, 2023. The maximum weekly benefit will be $900 (currently the maximum is $840).


The changes (per Senate Bill 828) to Maryland’s Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program that we mentioned in our previous newsletter were approved by Governor Moore on May 3, 2023. We will keep you posted on any future updates to the program and its development over the coming months.

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