December 1, 2023

State Updates

State Updates


Employment Development Department (EDD)

The EDD has announced the maximum weekly benefit for the State Disability Insurance (SDI) program (which includes Paid Family Leave benefits) will remain $1,620 for 2024. The amount remaining unchanged is rare and has not occurred since 2011, but this upcoming year, employers will not need to adjust any pay offsets. As a reminder, the EDD previously confirmed that the contribution rate for 2024 will increase to 1.1% (currently 0.9%) and the Voluntary Plan Assessment Rate will increase to 0.154% (currently 0.126%). The assessment rate is 14% of the SDI contribution rate multiplied by taxable wages.


Connecticut Paid Leave (CTPL)

The Board of Directors of the Paid Leave Authority has voted to keep the contribution rate for the CTPL program the same as 2023 in the year 2024, which is currently at 0.5%. Employers should continue to remit contributions at the same rate in accordance with the update. On the other hand, employers may need to adjust offsets on any top-up calculations due to leave of absence pay or STD, if you offer these, as the CTPL weekly benefit amount will be increasing effective January 1, 2024. The benefit amount is sixty times the Connecticut minimum wage, of which will be $15.69 in the new year. This means that the maximum weekly amount for CTPL benefits will be $941.40 as of January 1, 2024.

The employer’s written notice for CTPL does not contain any financial information, so it is unlikely that it will be revised with the above updates. However, we will be sure to inform you of any changes.


Department of Family and Medical Leave (DFML)

The DFML has released the 2024 required poster and notices for the Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) program. The poster must be displayed at the workplace in a location where it can be easily read. The poster must be available in English and each language which is the primary language of 5 or more individuals in your workforce. You can find the poster in additional languages here.

You are also required to provide written notice (hard copy or electronic, see links below) to current covered individuals (W-2 and 1099-MISC workers). As a reminder, the PFML contribution rate changes annually and employers are required to give notice to covered individuals 30 days prior to the effective date of the rate change (January 1, 2024).

Current employees who have previously provided signed acknowledgement need not provide it again. However, new hires (employees and contractors) must be notified within 30 days of the start date of their employment – they must acknowledge receipt or decline to acknowledge receipt of the notice. You should retain the acknowledgements. Don’t forget to complete the information in the notice prior to sending to your employees and/or contractors.

2024 Notice for workforce with 25 or more covered individuals

2024 Notice for workforce with fewer than 25 covered individuals

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