Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Leave Updates
Federal Updates Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) At the end of December, the CDC updated its COVID-19 guidance for businesses and employers page. The updates include: Expansion of the section on in-person or virtual health checks Added a section on...
Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Leave Updates
We’re almost to the end of 2020 and we wish things would automatically switch back to normal as of January 1st, but unfortunately that won’t be the case. We are cautiously optimistic and are hoping for a much better 2021. We’ll get there, one day at a time. We wish...
Canada Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates
The Larkin Company’s Canada team has been working hard on keeping up to date with the constantly-changing Canada COVID-19 updates. Click the link below to review Canada’s COVID-19 Leaves of Absence and Income Replacement Benefits updates as of December 23, 2020. Our...
Coronavirus (COVID-19) and State Updates
Happy Holidays! In the spirit of the holidays, we are giving more than enough updates below. We hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season. *Coronavirus (COVID-19) Note: we are monitoring the myriad COVID-19-related laws and ordinances as many expire at the end of...