News and Updates

Policy Updates

Massachusetts PFML Update

Massachusetts PFML Update

Was it too good to be true? In the newsletter we just sent last Friday, we mentioned that an amendment in the state’s fiscal Y=year 2023 budget would allow employees to supplement PFML benefits with...

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COVID-19 and Federal/State Updates

COVID-19 and Federal/State Updates

U.S. Federal Updates Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Earlier this week, the ADA achieved its 32nd anniversary. The landmark civil rights law, signed by President George H.W. Bush on July 26,...

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COVID-19 and State Updates

COVID-19 and State Updates

U.S. State Updates California Department of Public Health (CDPH) The CDPH issued a State Public Health Officer Order on June 8, 2022 that adds definitions for “close contact” and “infectious...

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COVID-19 and State/Federal Updates

COVID-19 and State/Federal Updates

U.S. State Updates Alabama Quick reminder that the Adoption Promotion Act goes into effect on July 1, 2022. To read the details regarding, please refer to our previous newsletter. California San...

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COVID-19 and State/Federal Updates

COVID-19 and State/Federal Updates

We have a lot to cover this time, but before we get into it, we’d like to share a podcast that we think would be beneficial for those who are involved with disability, accommodations, and the return...

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Maryland and Canada Updates

Maryland and Canada Updates

There are quite a few Paid Family and Medical Leave bills working their way through state legislatures - some of which have already died in committee. We discuss one below that is close to the...

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COVID-19 and Federal/State Updates

COVID-19 and Federal/State Updates

U.S. Federal Updates Department of Labor (DOL) - Wage and Hour Division The DOL has released Field Assistance Bulletin (FAB) 2022-02 which provides guidance regarding prohibited retaliation under...

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COVID-19 and Federal/State Updates

COVID-19 and Federal/State Updates

Today marks year two since the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic… Federal Update Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) The EEOC has released updated guidance for...

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COVID-19 State/District Updates

COVID-19 State/District Updates

California As we mentioned here, California has reinstated their COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave (SPSL) effective February 19, 2022 (with sick pay retroactive to January 1, 2022). The...

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California COVID-19 SPSL Update

California COVID-19 SPSL Update

COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave (SPSL) The revival of SPSL in the Golden State is official as SPSL (SB 114) was approved by lawmakers on Monday, and was signed into law by Gavin Newsom today!...

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COVID-19 and Federal/State Updates

COVID-19 and Federal/State Updates

U.S. Federal Updates It appears that mandating COVID-19 vaccinations just isn’t going to meet legal muster, with the lone exception being the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services...

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