February 17, 2022

COVID-19 State/District Updates


As we mentioned here, California has reinstated their COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave (SPSL) effective February 19, 2022 (with sick pay retroactive to January 1, 2022). The model notice is now available. The notice must be displayed where employees can easily read it. If employees are not in a physical workplace, the notice may be disseminated electronically.

We also wanted to point out one distinction from the previous SPSL law regarding pay stub requirements. The 2022 SPSL law requires employers to list the amount of SPSL hours the employee has used rather than the hours the employee has available to use. If an employee has not used any SPSL hours, employers should list zero hours on the paystub. SPSL hours should also be listed separately from regular paid sick days.

District of Columbia

A quick reminder that the congressional review period for the extension of the District’s COVID-19 vaccination leave as well as the extension of the District’s leave law (DCFMLA) has come and gone. The law is effective as of February 3, 2022 and will be in effect for 90 days. The District has released an updated required poster here. You can also find the revised enforcement guidance here.

New Hampshire

There are two bills that have been introduced in the state legislature with the aim of curtailing the Granite State Paid Family Leave program. Introduced last month, HB 1582 and HB 1165, would repeal the Granite State Paid Family Leave Act. You can read our previous newsletter regarding the program here. The program is scheduled to go live January 1, 2023.

New York

New York has updated their Paid Family Leave COVID-19 FAQs specific to the number of times an employee can qualify for leave (no more than 3 times). Click the “Eligibility” section on the left of the FAQs link and scroll to the next to last question for more details.

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