Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates
A new addition to our information initiative as it relates to COVID-19 has been posted to our website. We have created a comprehensive set of FAQs for you to reference. We have addressed some...
Coronavirus (COVID-19) State & Local Updates and Stay-at-Home Orders
As part of our initiative to keep you as updated as possible, we will be posting a comprehensive list of state and local COVID-19 updates and stay-at-home orders. You can access both using the links...
Canada Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates
The Larkin Company's Canada team has been working hard on keeping up to date with the constantly-changing Canada COVID-19 updates. Click the link below to review Canada's COVID-19 Leaves of Absence...
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates
Does anyone really know how long they’ve been sheltering-in-place and working from home at this point? It feels like forever! The Larkin Company has been working from home for 4 weeks now and while...
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates
Department of Labor (DOL) The DOL has released even more FAQs (see #60-79) regarding the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA). Some pertinent information: A local quarantine or isolation...
Canada Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates
The Larkin Company's Canada team has been working hard on keeping up to date with the constantly-changing Canada COVID-19 updates. Click the link below to review Canada's COVID-19 Leaves of Absence...
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update
Updates, changes, regulations, ordinances – it’s apparently not going to stop any time soon. Bear with us as we are doing our best to get as much information to you as possible – if you see or hear...
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update
Department of Labor (DOL) The DOL has released yet more FAQs (see #38-59) regarding the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA). Some pertinent information: Who’s eligible? The Emergency...
Coronavirus (COVID-19) and WA PFML Updates
UPDATE Model Notice Published - Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) *Please note, the notice mentioned below must be posted only by employers that are subject to the FFCRA (those that...
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates
Information Overload! We realize that everyone is being inundated with emails regarding all the COVID-19 pandemic action plans, legislation, guidance for the legislation, webinars to discuss...
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates
Families First Coronavirus Response Act (H.R. 6201) The bill was approved by the Senate in a 90-8 vote yesterday and signed into law last night by President Trump. The law will be in effect as of...
Message from Jack Larkin, President of The Larkin Company
I wanted to personally provide you an update regarding The Larkin Company and our operation with regard to the developments of the coronavirus (COVID-19). We recently published an announcement that...