News and Updates


COVID-19 and State Updates

COVID-19 and State Updates

U.S. Federal Update Treasury Department and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) The Treasury Department and the IRS worked together to issue Notice 2021-53 which provides guidance for employers about...

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COVID-19 and State Updates

COVID-19 and State Updates

There’s a lot to get to this time around - things don’t seem to be slowing down one bit. To begin with, we wanted to update you on some of the COVID-19 paid sick leave ordinances that have been...

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COVID-19 and State Updates

COVID-19 and State Updates

U.S. Federal Updates Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) The CDC published updated COVID-19 FAQs on June 11, 2021. U.S. State Updates California Los Angeles County The Department of...

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COVID-19 and State Updates

COVID-19 and State Updates

U.S. Federal Updates Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) We’ve all been waiting with bated breath for another update to the EEOC’s “What You Should Know About COVID-19 and the ADA, the...

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COVID-19 and State Updates

COVID-19 and State Updates

U.S. State Updates California Los Angeles County A new ordinance is on the books in Los Angeles County. The Board of Supervisors enacted an urgency ordinance that requires private employers in the...

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COVID-19 and State Updates

COVID-19 and State Updates

U.S. Federal Updates Centers for Disease Control (CDC) To mask or not to mask, that is the question! You’re likely well-aware of the recent guidance from the CDC as far as mask-wearing for those who...

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Canada COVID-19 Updates

Canada COVID-19 Updates

The Larkin Company’s Canada team has been working hard on keeping up to date with the constantly-changing Canada COVID-19 updates.  Click the link below to review Canada’s COVID-19 Leaves of Absence...

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COVID-19 Updates

COVID-19 Updates

U.S. Federal Updates The American Families Plan President Biden’s ambitious plan to strengthen families includes Paid Family and Medical Leave - an actual NATIONAL entitlement for American workers....

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Canada Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates

Canada Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates

The Larkin Company’s Canada team has been working hard on keeping up to date with the constantly-changing Canada COVID-19 updates.  Click the link below to review Canada’s COVID-19 Leaves of Absence...

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COVID-19 Updates

COVID-19 Updates

It’s been a few weeks since our last newsletter and we have quite a bit to cover as the updates keep coming. Have a nice weekend! U.S. Federal Updates Department of Labor - Office of Disability...

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COVID-19 Updates

COVID-19 Updates

U.S. Federal Updates Department of Labor - Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) recently published COVID-19-related blog posts that may be of interest....

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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates

U.S. Federal Updates American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 President Biden’s plan to help the nation recover from the COVID-19 pandemic and assist those in need has passed the House of Representatives...

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News you can use

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